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28 maggio 2O14 ore 19:3O

LIVE CONCERTO - Alexei Pliousnine



Alexei Plioisnine (Russia)

Mercoledì 28 maggio 2014 | CONCERTO live + aperitivo



Ingresso su prenotazione fino ad esaurimento posti, contributo € 5

[  ‐ tel. 347.5446148 | 339.4401017]

NON si entra a concerto INIZIATO!!!‐pliousnine%20

MONOXPOM è il nuovo progetto solista di Alexei Pliousnine in cui la sua chitarra è spinta verso la sperimentazione e la ricerca di differenti tecniche esecutive e sonore. Il risultato è un unico stile musicale da lui denominato IMPROG, molto vicino al minimalismo con elementi di noise, drone, ambient, minimal techno e rock sperimentale e progressive.

Alexei Pliousnine ‐ music performer, promoter, producer, lecturer, leader of APosition Creative Union. Became active in music in mid 80‐s. Since then participated in many projects and festivals in Russia, U.S.A., Germany, Poland, Finland, Argentina, Estonia. On 2006, he took part in Pauline Oliveros Deep Listening class at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute where he performed a solo work “Scott of Antarctic”. He performed at many famous venues including CBGB’s, Tonic and Issue Project Room in New York. On 2011 as a part of Art in Antarctic international program visited Argentinian bases Marambio and Esperanza in Antarctica in order to make the project “Sound of Silence”. Alexei became the first Russian musician to be performing in Antarctica. Performed with: Peter Brotzman, Patti Smith, Brain Godding, Famoudou Don Moye, David Murray, Keith Rowe, Phill Niblock, Shelley Hirsch, Burton Greene, Raymond Boni, Yanka Diaghileva, Egor Letov, Sergey Letov, Gary Lucas, Henry Kaiser, Dror Feiler, Daniel Carter, Borah Bergman, Lukas Ligeti, Frank London, Jon Raskin, Marco Enieidi, Lou Grassi, Charles Gayle, Tim Hodgkinson, Jacques Di Donato, Хavier Charles, James Fei, Mola Sylla, Rob Schwimmer, Tom Buckner, Peter Principle, Dmitry Kahovskij, Pierre Moerlen, Doc Gregory, Juho Laitinen, Sam Nacht and many others.

«Through many years of practicing improvisation during my professional career of guitarist I finally established a unique technique of improvisation. Using doubling devices, i.e. delays or loopers, formerly spontaneous improvisations become a highly structural composition‐like pieces. I called it improg since the compositions I produce still being totally improvised sounds similar to minimalism or even progressive rock music.

I use prepared steel guitar with many different objects, each producing it’s own sound. The use of delay or looper (as composition tool) is making possible to “build” a composition capturing each “good” moment and adding it to the common structure. Since prepared guitar produces very different sounds it is possible to spontaneously compose a highly structural pieces with all functions, i.e. bass, percussion, strings, even brass imitations and of cause different “noise” sounds. The performance is highly spectacular ‘cause it gives audience an opportunity to follow the musician during the whole way of building a composition from a very seed to a complicated final and it is still totally improvised. It is similar to fractal models and visuals of fractals illustrate process perfectly.

In a last several years I’ve been performing my improg music all over the world in a solo or in different collaborations. Also it is very spectacular when performance is accompanied by real time video projection showing how performer “builds” compositions in progress.» Alexei Pliousnine

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