Ilias Georgiadis

Ilias Georgiadis, born in 1990 in northern Greece, Ilias started experimenting with the photographic medium at the age of 19. After extensive travels in 2011, he stops his university studies and starts making pictures in an obsessive way. His main interest focuses on the basis of the current social and interpersonal issues about human nature. An approach he started in 2012 in Greece and continues until now.
Ilias’s debut series of work named "Over.State" has been shown in various international festivals, solo and group shows across the world and has been featured in on-line and printed publications. "Over.State" - a story of a young and lost person trying to feel free and find love - is a personal adventure and the first attempt to depict a poetic representation of the author's own existential agony while exploring the emotional variations of the human condition. An effort to understand how we express freedom, intimacy and closeness; how we seek true connection with the inner self and the other.
"Vialattea"(Ilias's latest body of work) captured the process of taking a deep breath after coping with the drama of the human condition. A natural process of moving forward while morphing the author's gaze into a galaxy of flashbacks and memories of light, either sometimes intelligible or even barely mentioned. A cinematographic variation of photography fast and melancholic as fragments of a life rethought from the window of a moving train. In 2019, "Over.State"(2011-2019) published as a monograph by Blow Up Press (PL). In 2020, "Vialattea"(2015-2020) published as a monograph by Origini Edizioni (IT).
Solo Exhibitions:
(2019) "Over.State" - Officine Fotografiche Roma, ROME, ITALY; (2017) «Over|State» - Interzone Galleria, ROME, ITALY; (2016) «Over|State» - Galerie Le Château d’Eau, TOULOUSE, FRANCE.
Group Exhibitions:
(2020) "Art Instead"- Group Show - Phoenix Athens Gallery, ATHENS, GREECE; "The Chain" - Online Group Show, ATHENS, GREECE; (2019) Essaouira Nuits photographiques 2019, ESSAOUIRA, MOROCCO; Jakarta International Photo Festival (JIPFest), JAKARTA, INDONESIA; Young Greek Photographers - Athens Photo Festival 2019 at the Benaki Museum, ATHENS, GREECE; DEBUTS 2018 - Episode 4, Vienna House Andel's, Miesiąc Fotografii w Krakowie - Krakow Photo Fringe, KRAKOW, POLAND; (2018) DEBUTS 2018 - Episode 3, Miejskie Centrum Kultury (foyer), Vintage Photo Festival, BYDGOSZCZ, POLAND; DEBUTS 2018 - Episode 2, W Ramach Sopotu Festival of Photography, SOPOT, POLAND; «Over.State» - Obscura Festival Of Photography, GEORGE TOWN, PENANG – MALAYSIA; "DEBUTS 2018 - Episode 1" - Vienna House (Andel's Lodz), Fotofestiwal Lodz, LODZ, POLAND; (2017) «Over.State» - Void - Athens Photo Festival 2017, ATHENS, GREECE; "Photocraft" - Interzone Galleria, ROME, ITALY; "Found and Lost" - (float.) gallery - ATHENS, GREECE; (2016) Outdoor show - Helsingborgs Dagblad and Landskrona Foto Festival´s Photo Salon, LANDSKRONA, SWEDEN; A Process 2.0 - Miesiąc Fotografii w Krakowie - Photomonth in Krakow, KRAKOW, POLAND; (2015) - “Pulse” - Noorderlicht Photo Festival GRONINGEN, NETHERLANDS; “past[looking]past” - metamatic:taf Gallery - Athens Photo Festival 2015, ATHENS, GREECE; “Ilias Georgiadis - Over.State” / part of Show-OFF exhibitions - Miesiąc Fotografiiw Krakowie - Photomonth in Krakow, KRAKOW, POLAND; “Personal Mythologies” - Tactic Cork Gallery, CORK, IRELAND; Letters from Prison - CIVITAVECCHIA PRISON - Private + Public group show, ROME, ITALY.
(2020) "Vialattea" First edition - Origini Edizioni, ITALY; (2019) "Over.State" First edition - Blow Up Press, POLAND.
(2020) L'Intervalle Blog(FR); Offspring Photo Meet(UK) – Interview; Art Instead Online Residency(GR); FOTODEMIC(US); Artibooks(NL) – Interview; Photologio Portal(GR); GUP Magazine Online(NL); GUP Magazine Printed(NL); FRESH EYES ONLINE FEAUTRE(NL); (2019) L'Intervalle Blog(FR); HUFFPOST Italia(IT); The Mammoth Reflex Portal(IT); LENSCRATCH Portal(US) – Interview; Photologio Portal(GR) – Interview; DOFOTO Portal(SK) – Interview; FRESH EYES 2019 - "Best photography talent in Europe" / GUP; Athens Photo Festival 2019 Catalogue; Jakarta International Photo Festival (JIPFest) 2019 Catalogue; Youth Portal; (2018) DEBUTS 2018 Book; Halogenure Magazine 04 (FR); Blu' Magazine(FR); Album Cover - Artwork - Booklet / Thanasis Papakonstantinou - "Me Stoma Pou Gela/Με Στόμα Που Γελά" by "Ahos" label ©2018; (2017) Interview - Octopus Art Magazine Rome; Limited edition poster, "Over|State" - Interzone Galleria; Athens Photo Festival 2017 Catalogue; Interview - Und. Athens; “An Experiment for Over|State” - Silkscreen photo edition printed by Tind Athens; “An Experiment for Over|State” (Exhibition catalog - zine / Published and designed by Void Greece for the exhibition "Over|State"); DOC! Photo Magazine - Issue no. 38; "Over|State" at ALDEBARAN - Contemporary Photography Hub; (2016) «Over|State» at Galerie Le Château d’Eau - Exhibition Catalogue; «Over|State» at Galerie Le Château d’Eau - Postcards Edition; Interview - La Dépêche du Midi; “Over|State” - La Gazette du Midi; Portfolios of the weekend - The Eye of Photography; "Temps Zero" Boxset publication - 22 Postcards - 22 Photographers; Interview "Over.State - A question about fighting one’s demons" for PHmuseum (Photographic Museum of Humanity); Kiosk Der Demokratie online magazine; - New Dawn Paper magazine; (2015) OFF the wall magazine #8; Hors Champ - official documentation of États généraux du film documentaire - Lussas - documentary film festival LUSSAS(FR); Noordelicht Photo Festival 2015 catalog; Letters from Prison - CIVITAVECCHIA PRISON catalog; Athens Photo Festival 2015 catalog; MONO vol. 2 BOOK by Gomma books; for Show-OFF Competition - Miesiąc Fotografii w Krakowie -Photomonth in Krakow; Show-OFF Catalogue(Postcards) - Miesiąc Fotografii w Krakowie -Photomonth in Krakow; (2014) dienacht Magazine #16.
(2020) "Vialattea" - "TIFF" International Photography Festival, WROCLAW, POLAND; "Vialattea" - Phoenix Athens Gallery, ATHENS, GREECE; (2019) "Over.State" - Essaouira Nuits photographiques 2019, ESSAOUIRA, MOROCCO; FRESH EYES 2019 - "Best photography talent in Europe" - Tbilisi Photo Festival 2019 - Tbilisi Night of Photography, TBILISI, GEORGIA; FRESH EYES 2019 - "Best photography talent in Europe" - GUP at Voies Off 2019, ARLES, FRANCE; (2016) "Over.State" Screening - Monat der Fotografie-Off Berlin, GERMANY; "Over.State" Screening - "TEMPS ZERO Thessaloniki", THESSALONIKI, GREECE; "Over.State" Screening - ”TEMPS ZERO Rome" - SPAZIO PALCO DI FOTOLEGGENDO FESTIVAL ROMA, ITALY; "Over.State" Screening - "leboudoir2.0" - JULY 7th 2016 -Les Rencontres d’Arles and Les Voies Off, ARLES, FRANCE; (2015) "Over.State" Screening “Athens NOW!” - Whitechapel Gallery - East End Film Festival - LONDON, UK; "Over.State" Screening "TEMPS ZERO" - SIL PLAZ CINEMA in GLION/ILANZ, SWITZERLAND; "Over.State" Screening - Fotoistanbul International Festival/part of Slideshow Program, Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi, ISTANBUL, TURKEY; "Over.State" Screening “Athens NOW!” - New York University, NEW YORK, USA; "Over.State" Screening - Gala 25 Editions Encontros da Imagem Festival at Theatro Circo - "TEMPS ZERO BRAGA", BRAGA, PORTUGAL; (2014) "Over.State" Screening - "Coil Project" - Television Control Center Gallery, ATHENS, GREECE; "Over.State" Screening - "Fotoistanbul International Festival/part of Slideshow Program, Bahçeşehir University, ISTANBUL, TURKEY; "Over.State" Screening - Photonic Moments International Festival - European Month of Photography, LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA.
(2020) (contest winner) - GOLD AWARD - International Photography Awards 2020 - Book/Fine Art("Over.State"); (contest shortlisted) - Maribor Photobook Award - book exhibition - Book("Over.State"); (contest winner) - SILVER AWARD - 2020 Px3 Paris Photography Prize - Book/Fine Art("Over.State"); (contest winner) - SILVER AWARD - 2020 Mifa Foto Awards - Book/Fine Art("Over.State"); (2019) (contest winner) - BRONZE AWARD – Tokyo International Foto Awards 2019 – Book/Fine Art("Over.State"); (contest winner) - FRESH EYES 2019 - "Best photography talent in Europe" – GUP Magazine; (contest winner) - YOUNG GREEK PHOTOGRAPHERS - Athens Photo Festival; (contest winner) - Jakarta International Photo Festival (JIPFest) 2019; (2018) (contest winner) - Obscura Festival of Photography Open Call; (contest winner) - DEBUTS 2018; (2017) (contest shortlisted) - Photography Grant – Nominee; (2016) (contest shortlisted) - Gomma Grant by Gomma; (2015) (contest winner) - MONO vol. 2 BOOK by Gomma books; (contest winner) - Show-OFF Competition - Miesiąc Fotografii w Krakowie - Photomonth in Krakow 2015, KRAKOW, POLAND; (contest shortlisted) - 1st Gomma Grant by Gomma; (2014) (scholarship recipient/internship) - Photoworkshop New York – Emerging Photographer to receive a full scholarship to attend to the workshop “The Personal Narrative” with photographer Michael Ackerman in BERLIN, GERMANY.
Workshops, masterclasses, presentations:
(2020) Projection/Presentation/Open Masterclass (Online) -Photometria Festival, IOANNINA GREECE; Projection/Presentation/Open Masterclass - Edessa State Photography Club, EDESSA, GREECE; Projection/Presentation/Open Masterclass - Ifocus online platform, ATHENS, GREECE; Workshop:"The Personal Narrative" with Michael Ackerman and Ilias Georgiadis - THESSALONIKI, GREECE; Presentation: "Vialattea", Leporello Bookstore, ROME, ITALY; Projection/Presentation/Open Masterclass - Kavala State Photography Club, KAVALA, GREECE; Projection/Presentation/Open Masterclass - Kozani State Photography Club, KOZANI, GREECE; Projection/Presentation/Open Masterclass - Kastoria State Photography Club, KASTORIA, GREECE; (2019) Projection/Presentation/Open Masterclass - Stereosis School of Photography, THESSALONIKI, GREECE; Workshop: "Intuition" with Ilias Georgiadis - PAPHOS, CYPRUS; Workshop: "Intuition" with Ilias Georgiadis - RETHYMNON, GREECE; (2018) Projection/Presentation/Open Masterclass - Extra Fort Talks at RECYCLART - BRUSSELS, BELGIUM; Projection/Presentation/Open Masterclass - RETHYMNO, GREECE; Workshop: "Intuition" with Ilias Georgiadis - PAPHOS, CYPRUS; (2017) Workshop: "The Personal Narrative" with Michael Ackerman and Ilias Georgiadis - CHANIA, GREECE; (2015) Workshop: "The Personal Narrative" with Michael Ackerman and Ilias Georgiadis - THESSALONIKI, GREECE; Projection/Presentation/Open Masterclass - F+ Presentations, LARISSA, GREECE.